Selasa, 07 Juni 2016

Tahapan Penetapan dan Penegasan Batas Desa Versi MCA-Indonesia (Dasar Permendagri No. 27 Tahun 2006)

VBS/RM Orientation
     Step 1 of Planning Stage
Determine of Subdistrict(s) and Village(s)  within the selected District.  MCA-Indonesia will collaborate with the District Bappeda to determine the geographic location and extend of the Subdistricts. The Consultant will conduct stakeholders engagement planning as the initial framework for participation, and in particular to determine if subdistricts include indigenous/customary (adat) territories where free, prior and informed consent will be required.
     Step 2 of Planning Stage
Legalization of VBS/RM Guidelines and establishment of Village Delineation and Demarcation Committee (TPPBD) of District Government and District Government (Bupati) stipulates use of GP PLUP VBS/RM Process and Guidelines.
     Step 1 of Preparation Stage
VBS/RM Orientation for Subdistrict Technical Team at subdistrict capital to explain VBS/RM (attendees: selected consultant, newly recruited Subdistrict Technical Team and facilitators).  The Consultant will work with MCA-Indonesia to organize and hold this meeting.

     Step 2 of Preparation Stage
Discussion and agreement on Work Plan and Communication Mechanism Plan at District level at Bupati Office to explain VBS/RM Process and Guidelines, responsibilities of each party and develop a VBS/RM Work Plan (attendees: Bupati officials, MCA-Indonesia, Bappeda, BPN, selected consultant and Camats of each subdistrict). MCA-Indonesia will work with the Bupati to organize and hold this meeting.
     Step 3 of Preparation Stage
Discussion and Agreement on Work Plan and Communication Mechanism at Subdistrict level at subdistrict capital to explain VBS/RM (attendees: Camat, selected consultant, Kepala Desa of each village within sub district).  The Consultant will work with the Camat to organize and hold this meeting.
     Step 4 of Preparation Stage
Formation of Village Participation Team (VPT) representing each village within the sub district. The Camat will work directly with the Kepala Desa and in collaboration with the Consultant to establish this team. MCA-Indonesia will oversee the process of establish of the VPT which will be established according to the guidelines described in page 131 to 133 and generally in accordance with the Green Prosperity Stakeholder Engagement Plan.
     Step 1 of Implementation and Reporting Stage
Collection and Compilation of Geospatial Information, i.e. Base Map in GIS format and prepare hard copy maps for use at various meetings, workshops and public expositions (see Guidelines for technical specifications). The consultant will also start collecting data and information on concession maps, permits and licensees related to natural resource management, land tenure, land use, the district spatial plan, and land dispute locations in the selected subdistrict.
     Step 2 of Implementation and Reporting Stage
VBS/RM Workshop to build capacity of VPT at Bupati Office (attendees: Bupati, Consultant and all Camats and VPTs within the sub district). The Consultant will work with the Bupati and the Camat to organize and hold this Workshop.
     Step 3 of Implementation and Reporting Stage
Establish of Disputes Resolution Mechanism. Present on the basic concept of village boundary dispute, potential disputes pertaining to village boundary, and dispute resolution mechanism. Build consensus on the forms and mechanism of village boundary dispute resolution.
     Step 4 of Implementation and Reporting Stage
Convene Village VBS/RM Technical Meeting(s) in each village using VBS/RM Base Map to initially ‘determine’ boundaries cartometrically and identify critical natural and cultural resources areas to be mapped.  It is expected that there will need to be a series of technical meetings depending on the complexity of the situation in the village.  The Consultant will work with the VPTs to organize and hold these meetings.
     Step 5 of Implementation and Reporting Stage
     Compilation/Collection of  Boundary and Natural / Cultural Resources Data in the field, through office research, interviews, and field visits, as needed, to refine and adjust boundaries and to map resource areas (field data will be captured on-site with GNSS receivers and other survey instruments including the use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) to collect high-resolution geo-reference images and map areas of critical natural and cultural resources). The Consultant will be responsible for training the VPT to support the collection of the data; the role of the Facilitators and Technicians is critical in these steps to guide and assist the VPT.
     While acquisition of satellite imagery will be essential to carry-out the VBS/RM process, due to climatic conditions in many of the subdistricts, the use of traditional satellite imagery will not provide sufficient quality or spatial resolution to adequately capture high resolution imagery of critical natural and cultural resources areas within the villages. The Consultant will develop innovative procedures for using various unmanned aerial systems (UAS) platform (vertical take-off and landing – VTOL, fixed wing and limited take-off/landing) to test the feasibility of this technology in the participatory VBS/RM process to acquire high resolution (5-10cm) geo-referenced planimetric and oblique imagery and videos.  The intended use of the UAS is not to map the entire area of the subdistrict or the villages but rather specifically to provide accurate mapping of critical natural and cultural resource areas within the villages.
     Step 6 of Implementation and Reporting Stage
Classification and Resolution of Boundary Disputes (between villages) and Other Land-Based Disputes, it is expected various types of land-based disputes may be identified as part of the VBS/RM process, in particular during the field work step.  These disputes will be identified categorized and geographically located (geolocated) and a process for willingness-based mediation should be used to resolve disputes when and where possible. The role of the VPT is important in assisting the parties to the dispute to resolve the issue and, also, to provide community acknowledgment of the willingness of the parties and the legitimacy of the process. As participatory VBS/RM activities take place in the field, different types of disputes may arise, including boundary disputes, land use disputes, and land tenure disputes. It is important to first identify the potential causes of boundary disputes. For example, the disputes should be grouped into segments of those that are: (i) potentially non-problematic; (ii) problematic but easily resolved; or (iii) problematic and difficult to resolve.  The disputes can then be geographically localized (geo-located) within the subdistrict or villages and can inform the various workshops and technical meetings. The Consultant is responsible to develop and test an alternative dispute mediation mechanism to accompany the implementation of the participatory VBS/RM process. The mechanism developed needs to include the following requirements: (i) community-level; (ii) extrajudicial; (iii) voluntary; and (iv) produces written agreements. Rather than being imposed, it should be based on willingness to enter the process and willingness to accept the results. As far as possible, a customary settlement mechanism should be used to reach agreement, since such a mechanism can better ensure the continuity of the agreement.
     Step 7 of Implementation and Reporting Stage
Public Exposition and Finalization of Village Cartometric Maps, this exposition should include one public meeting and, at minimum 14 days of public review and comment. The Consultant will work in collaboration with the Kepala Desa to determine the appropriate location within the village for posting the results and for accommodating the villagers during their review of the results.
     Step 8 of Implementation and Reporting Stage
Workshop on Village Boundary Delineation and Planning for Village Boundary Demarcation with all VPTs to review results from each village and achieve consensus at the landscape level or identify areas to be confirmed in the field (attendees: Village Delineation and Demarcation Committee, Camats and VPTs).
     Step 9 of Implementation and Reporting Stage
Village Boundary Surveying and Demarcation. Finalize fieldwork to affirm boundaries and place markers at boundary limits (see Guidelines for technical specifications).  This work will be done with the support of the VPTs.
     Step 10 of Implementation and Reporting Stage
Prepare VBS/RM Activity Report in each village and for the sub district (including: description of process, village history, description of disputes encountered, list of villages delineated and area, geographic coordinates of boundary markers, maps, imagery, and GIS database etc. as defined in the GP PLUP VBS/RM Guidelines.
     Step 1 of Verification, Approval and Delivery Stage
Verification and Approval of VBS/RM Activity Report, in accordance with GP PLUP VBS/RM Guidelines.
     Step 2 of Verification, Approval and Delivery Stage
Step 1 of Verification, Approval and Delivery Stage Step 1 of Verification, Approval and Delivery Stage Step 1 of Verification, Approval and Delivery Stage .

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